
【Note】Burp Suite Essentials : Charpter 1

wpadmin~October 6, 2018 /InfoSec

【Note】Burp Suite Essentials : Charpter 1 | Gettng Started with Burp


Charpter 1 Gettng Started with Burp

Charpter 1 Overview

基本需求 Oracle JDK/OpenJDK 1.6+

1.1 Starting Burp from the command line
1.2 Setting memory options based on our requirement and system RAM
1.3 Troubleshooting any IPv6 error that occurs sometimes

Starting Burp from the command line

java -jar /path/to/burpSuite.jar

Setting memory options based on our requirement and system RAM

(Maximum JVM memory) JVM 内存分配最大值设置

java -jar -Xmx2048M /path/to/burpSuite.jar
java -jar -Xmx2G /path/to/burpSuite.jar

一般而言,分配 2-4G 的内存是足够的。
如果分配大于 4G 的内存,JVM 的垃圾回收机制 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM; garbage collector, GC) 可能需要做更多工作,导致应用程序性能反而降低。

Ensuring that IPv4 is allowed Permission denied
Burp proxy error: Permission denied: connect

java -Xmx2048M -jar /path/to/

使用该选项时, IPv6 会被禁用。

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